Post by rusti on Feb 8, 2007 15:57:11 GMT 1
Post by stewymartian on Feb 8, 2007 23:26:02 GMT 1
Well they would be if the instruments it is designed to carry worked in the optical range. However, the craft will be carrying infra-red instruments instead. The wonderful pictures of nebula that hubble took (such as the iconic gaseous pillars of the eagle nebula), won't be coming back from the James Webb telescope. Infra-red shines right through such things.
Post by stewymartian on Feb 8, 2007 23:27:58 GMT 1
Post by rusti on Feb 9, 2007 0:45:51 GMT 1
Still somne IR images are as good as the optical.
Post by Lensman on Feb 9, 2007 1:30:02 GMT 1
And Hubble's main camera failed a few days ago. Unfortunately, it seems it will be years before there's a visible-light-spectrum replacement for it. However, we can still enjoy all the glorious and beautiful Hubble images we've already received. Here are two DVDs full of them; I have the first and highly recommend it! tinyurl.com/2efx8ytinyurl.com/2xp2te
Post by rusti on Feb 9, 2007 1:35:09 GMT 1
Thanks for those links LM. I'll look them up.
Post by Luperis on Feb 9, 2007 1:51:17 GMT 1
Hmmmm... I hadn't actually heard about this yet - despite the fact that I am currently studying an Astro-based sciencey course thing at Uni... so my lecturers and classmates have probably all been talking about it for ages. Yep, I am just that observant. Anyway, it does definately sound cool. Thanks for the link Rusti.
Post by killraven on Feb 9, 2007 15:39:44 GMT 1
To quote directly from 'Star Cops'... "Hubble is rubble!" KR
Post by Commandingtripod on Feb 10, 2007 2:36:06 GMT 1
It's a pity about what's happened to Hubble. Although there have been calls to have it bought back to Earth - I don't think that's gonna happen some how. Still though, it does look good.